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Keeping it simple - the book

Keeping it simple - the book

Regular price $20.00 NZD
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For too long, hearing from God has been seen to be for the elite, the ‘called’, the ‘holy’
ones. This is simply not true. 

The fact is that God is always talking. Being able to recognise His voice is key.

In KEEPING IT SIMPLE, Ivy shares some simple keys and truths in how to hear God’s voice and experience a deeper relationship with Papa God.

Within this book, Ivy captures snippets of her own journey, using these to show how
to hear from God. Ivy then explains the process in easy every-day language that any
person desiring to grow spiritually can implement.


• Learn to hear and recognise God’s voice
• Understand that God is waiting to tell you His secrets
• Find practical steps to be spiritually activated
• Discover clarity and meaning in your life

"Keeping It Simple is the first of its kind. Written out of the experience and heart of
one who truly did ask, seek and find the Great Designer, God. This book contains
simple steps of how to connect to God in a real way." - Nena, New Zealand

"No arguments or persuasions would have worked or changed me. Ivy’s actions
helped me find my way. I pray now that her words will do the same for others." - Angie, Toronto, Canada

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