Who are ya?!

We are passionate about seeing people reach their full potential in all areas of their lives

Mark and Ivy grew up in the Far North of Aotearoa, New Zealand - the best place to live! You know, up north, where community, bush, beaches and LIFE happens!

After leaving high school, they entered into the tertiary world with Mark achieving qualifications in Education, Teaching and Leadership, whilst Ivy qualified with double degrees in Health Science and Midwifery.

Ivy began her career as New Zealand's youngest midwife at the time - an exciting time of challenge and pressure, working with women and babies in their most pivotal moments. It was a challenging environment but so, so rewarding. As time progressed, she also found herself working alongside people in the roles of Community Nurse, Life Strategist, Pastor, author, key note speaker at events, and much more. Ivy is an avid traveler, with the goal of hitting 50 countries before 2027 . . . and she's only a handful away!

Mark has had over 25 years in education, teaching primary, secondary and adult students, locally and overseas, with various roles from a Scale A teacher right through to school Principal. Thus far in his life he has also been a pilot, business owner, sponsored surfer, political candidate, community advocate and part-time farmer/digger operator/plumber/housebuilder and wanna-be NRL commentator . . .

Shortly after getting married, they purchased their first home, travelled and lived overseas, and have owned a number of properties and ran a number of businesses. Mark and Ivy have, with their children, travelled the world extensively, visiting well over 40 countries and stepping into every continent on the planet (bar Antarctica . . . with no desire to head there anytime soon!).

Both Mark and Ivy did not come from homes loaded with money but they did come from parents who knew what it was to work and serve. 

As a couple they have achieved more than they had originally aimed for when they started out . . . but this has come by way of hard work, intentionally investing in themselves with self-development, being teachable and utilising the giftings they each possess to benefit others.

And that's where you come in - they are super keen to help others live their best lives too.

In the last 15 years, they have run 30+ "Smoke your debt" classes, facilitated more than 50 in-person and online workshops and have now worked with well over a thousand people locally, nationally and overseas.

Their workshops are extremely funny, engaging, impacting and practical. As a team, they work fantastically together, weaving their life experiences, learnings and gifts to enable others to live the life they have in front of them . . . by design.

Back in the summer of '64 . . .