Do you run in-person workshops?

Sure do! Check out our Events page or contact us if you would like us to run an in-person event in your area

My spouse is not on-board - what should I do?

Easy answer - work on you. The only person you can actually change is you. When you change, the results will be undeniable and impacting. Your spouse will want what you have simply due to the change in you. Be patient and intentional because, as that Revlon ad used to say, it won't happen overnight, but it will happen.

Do you provide 1-on-1 support?

1-on-1 support and engagement is extremely powerful and we have seen significant results with those we have worked with 1-on-1.

Short version: Yes.

Longer version: Yes but there are a few things that must be in place before we engage with this powerful tool.

More on this when you contact us for further details.

How do we know when your next event on parenting, marriage, debt, time or "XYZ" is coming up or available?

Simply sign up to receive updates, Early Bird tickets and bonuses in the email form at the bottom of the Home page

I don't have the time or money to commit to any of your workshops or trainings. What should I do?

Don't do anything. Just keeping living the life you're living. Stay still. Stay very still. Nothing will change.


Decide to live life by design and take action.

Look, it may use some of your time or money but when you start living life by design and with freedom and enjoyment, you'll laugh at all the excuses you made in the beginning.

When we climbed up the Great Wall of China and saw the views, we didn't complain about the bus ride to get there.